Youth Driving Locally Led Adaptation and Resilience in Africa's Climate Hotspots

GLOBAL 6 March 2024 Videos

This session held at Gobeshona Global Conference 4 delves into the transformative potential of youth-led initiatives in combating climate change impacts. Anchored within the unique context of Africa's climate hotspots, where communities face disproportionate vulnerabilities, the session highlights the pivotal role of young people as catalysts for change.

Through dynamic presentations, interactive discussions, and showcases of YouthADAPT innovative projects, participants explored how youth-led approaches can effectively drive locally led adaptation and resilience efforts. From grassroots interventions to policy advocacy, the session aims to showcase diverse strategies and success stories while fostering collaborations and empowering youth leaders to become agents of change in Africa's battle against climate change. By harnessing the energy, creativity, and passion of youth, YouthADAPT seeks to unlock new pathways towards a more resilient and sustainable future for Africa's most vulnerable communities.